Saturday, September 13, 2008


We've shown folks quite a few shots of our Mongolian friends and family. We thought you might also like to see some of the other Peace Corps and VSO volunteers we love to spend time with here. Some of the most wonderful people on the planet...

Outside one of our favorite restaurants in UB: Kevin, Amber, me, Jasmine, Jimmy, Jen, Brodie, Chris, Rachel and Phillip

Our farewell party crew for Matt (center, front), who finished his service in Mongolia and headed off to Cambodia for another (non Peace Corps) year of service!

Part of my Darkhan summer crew: Robin, Amber, Kim (M17), Carina,
Dwan and me

Mai and Kenny (who are now, VERY sadly for us anyway, back in America, after having completed their 2 years here in Cho) We miss them so much!
Some of the great friends that we spent much of our first year in Cho with. Most of them have, alas, gone on to other places (except for Sarah, lower right, who's still in Cho with us!). Back row, left to right: Angus (Scotland), Andie (England), Maarten (in back, from Amsterdam), Kaye (France), Cass (a different soum in Mongolia), Joke, (Amsterdam), Mai (NY), Jimmy. Front row: Yann (France), Kenny (from America but now studying in London), Sarah.

Jimmy with his posse from Sukhbaatar: Jimmy, Fahd, Salomon and Mike

The blue-eyed gang from Cho: JP (Mai's friend who visited from US) Jimmy Karen (VSO, from Scotland) Andie (VSO, from England & Africa) Kenny

Jimmy and Mike

Chris and Kevin

M17s Mike and Ashley Burden, who have also, very sadly for us, finished their service and returned to America

VSOers, Raj (from India), John & Patricia (from England) at our place in Cho.

Raj, John (M19) and our M18 Sarah

The newest Chobies:
Lindsay and Trinh (Jasmine, one of our M18s, in the middle)

Me and Jess

We hope all of our American friends and family get to meet all of these great people some day!